Haring and the Keith Haring foundation have done a lot of collaborations
throughout the years. This inspired me for the big idea on how it’s possible to
change a boring product into something more unique and inspiring- influenced by
a trend (or in Haring case, his style of art). (Keith Haring
Foundation- an organization that provides assistance to
not-for-profit charities providing research, education related to AIDS,
and resources to those affected by the disease.)
Designer Olympia Le-Tan has collaborated with the Keith Haring foundation. Offering a variety of handbags with Haring signature art on. I really love this collection as they look very stylish and bold, they are on the pricey side so not suitable for everyone, however i would love to own one as i feel like it's a piece you would keep forever. “Haring’s work is so fun and colorful. It looks naive yet it’s very political, which is why I like it so much. I thought this would be a good capsule to complement our Fall collection, Framed, which was about the art world.” -
Chloë Sevigny holding Olympia Le-Tan's new Keith Haring collection of bags.
A very
popular collaboration was DKNY and the Keith Haring foundation. They feature
his iconic style on the bottle and box. ‘’They’re not only visually compelling, but they communicate a message that I think everyone can relate to’’, ‘’wearable
art that’s young, urban and totally original’’ – Donna Karan.
partnered up with the Keith Haring foundation and bought out this iconic
product. ‘’We're really happy with them, and to share Keith Haring art and
message of compassion with everyone’’ – Dr Robb (co-founder). This is not a
product/ brand you would ever image Keith Haring’s foundation collaborating
with, however it worked and went down amazingly. This is very inspiring to me as originally the product looked quite boring, however now with this design it has made way more exciting and meaningful- this is what i am trying to achieve for my big idea.
Kirkwood- a footwear designer has collaborated with the Keith Haring Foundation
On the shoes includes Harings signature patterns,
like ‘Safe Sex’ and ‘Radiant Baby’ in a bold, playful way. ''I didn’t just want to use his graphic patterns to create all-over prints as that seemed a very obvious approach, instead, I wanted the art to shape the shoes. For example, there’s one shoe that references a portrait of Andy Warhol. It was quite difficult to work out how to do it, because if we’d put the face on the front of the shoe it would have been completely distorted. Putting it onto the side of a wedge and building in a platform was the only way to do it, so the face was as flat as possible.'' “He had this fun, playful way of drawing, but there is a very serious message behind it all, like the ‘Crack is Wack’ work. Some messages are more obvious than others, but the overall simplicity of it makes it very accessible. - Nicholas Kirkwood
Toms has partnered with the Keith Haring Foundation. The collection includes three
footwear styles for men and women and glasses inspired by
Haring’s signature style. Toms is a very affordable brand, so it's available for a variety of people, whereas some of the more expensive examples above will only be suitable for a certain consumer; they are also very wearable.
These are a range of examples where a product has been turned into something more creative and innovative while being inspired by a style- similarly what i have to do for the Big Idea and Creative Concept. All these brands that have created a product in collaboration with the Keith Haring foundation which all look create and promote a good message and foundation. I love how they have collaborated with a range of high end and high street brands as it means a variety of consumers can get something whether they have a higher budget or lower.
Thank you for reading
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