Saturday, 4 February 2017

Stella Artois boasting clean water

''Lager brand Stella Artois is rolling out limited edition packs to highlight its backing for a clean water campaign for the developing world.''

 was just scrolling down my instagram and found that Stella Artois have bought out a limited edition pack to boast clean water drive. It reminded me of a seminar i had about how Florida's Saltwater Brewery replaced environment-destroying plastic rings that hold cans together and instead made them out of animal food, The brewery hopes it will help stop marine life and birds from choking on plastic. So when i saw what Stella was doing it showed me that packaging showcasing environmental issues is becoming more popular. ''Stella Artois has linked up with and said that each pack will provide six months of clean water for one person in the developing world.'' This is a way of making your packaging something much more, it'll be useful to see if theres any issue we as a fragrance brand can link to when designing the packaging. 



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