Saturday, 26 November 2016

Creative Concept: Re-Cycle Tyrrells

For the creative concept part of our course, we got put into groups and were given a brand and a product. Our brand was Tyrrells (the snacks) and our product was a cycle helmet. These are both very random so at first we were confused at how we could combine them, however once we done our research we began to find similarities between both the brand and product. We first done research on the brand and found information about it, we then combined all we found started thinking about the purpose, values, positioning and the personality of Tyrrells as a brand.

This was the start of a mind map showing the connections between Tyrrells and a cycle helmet. we felt like words such as rural, local and traditional linked to both. 

This was our first moodpboard on the brand Tyrrells, we collected a variety of images and wrote about each one. we also linked the research to our key words which were handmade, vintage and playful. Tyrrels has only 25 different flavours of there snacks, which are all different colours, this makes the brand appear playful as well as traditional. We kept in mind all these factors when creating our product as we wanted it to visually look similar.

This is a few images and key words we collected to give us an idea of what most cycle helmets are like. The most popular helmets are very masculine and ordinary. This gave us inspiration to create a unique helmet suitable for both males and females and a variety of ages, but still with the safety purpose. 

This is our main moodpboard showing our final idea. We wanted to create a cycle helmet in the style of a famers hat, but still with the safety purpose; which linked to the rural, traditional key words we came up with. We would recycle lots of Tyrrels crisps packets from place special bins around in many citys. Once we collected them we would wrap each hat in the packets professionally so it would have a playful look. We also created two colour palettes- the dark colours for the older generation and the bright colours for the younger generation, these colours were inspired by the crisp packets. We showed our photoshop skills on this board by actually creating our product and layering crisp packets on top of hats.

To conclude we had to present, it went really well and the feedback was very positive. We were told that you could tell that we new what we were talking about as we really went in-depth with the research. The lecturers also liked our use of photoshop to show our idea as well as our tag line ''Re-Cycle Tyrrells''.

Thank you for reading


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