Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Serious slashes // secondary research

For my first project at uni we got put into groups and got given a trend that we would have to research in order to create 4 mood boards. We had to compose the mood boards on trend forecast, media, retail and consumer.

Our trend was 'Serious Slashes'; I've never really heard of this trend however once i started looking into it i released how big it is getting. Slash means "cut with a wide, sweeping movement, typically using a knife or sword." This trend is very similar to slits and rips however slashes are more clean open cuts in a garment.


These are some examples of the trend being used. Above both Taylor Swift and Cara Delevingne are wearing slashes incorporated into a dress, this is promoting it to everyone who looks up to these celebs. 

Slashes in knitwear is usually put in for a more practical reason, the slashes at the side of the jumper make it more comfy with a loose fit. 

Overall i found a range of different examples where slashes have been used, including both evening wear and casual wear. For my next part of the project I'm going to find my own examples of primary research where I've seen slashes being sold in shops and wore by the public.

Keep an eye out for my next post on serious slashes


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