Friday, 11 November 2016

Serious slashes // final mood boards

For our final piece we had to compose 4 mood boards on trend forecast, media, retail and consumer based on our trend serious slashes. 


For the first mood board we analyse our A/W forecast serious slashes and put all our research into a physical mood board. We went on Buisness of Fashion and WGSN and found all examples of our trend, aswell as history or the trend. We found lots of different examples of this trend for all different styles of clothes.


For the second mood board we found secondary research about the trend and found the publics opinions on it. We found many articles negative and positive about the trend, there was a lot of negative comments on Kylie Jenners jeans with rips at the bum. For slashes in evening wear, we found many articles mentioning how this trend is very up and coming and suitable for all ages.


For the retail board we went into many shops and found how slashes have been adopted by retailers and brands. This helped us see what kind of shops sell our trend, evening wear with slashes was being sold in high end shops, such as House of Fraser and Selfridges. Knitwear with slashes was being sold in high street brands with a consumer of a older age, such as Marks and Spencer's and ripped jeans were being sold in shops such as Topshop and River island.


For the consumer board we wanted to see how the consumers have adapted our trend slashes. We took street style photos of the public adopted our trend. we managed to find quite a few examples for all the categories such as evening wear, casual wear and denim. We also had a survey so we could see the opinion on the trend.

So these are our final 4 mood boards showing everything about the trend 'serious slashes'. I really enjoyed this project and it was interesting having to go and find the trend your self in the shops and from people wearing it. 


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